If you are an art collector... Thank you! What would the art world be like without you? Our museums and galleries would be empty, artists would lose a platform to grow from, and all our lives would have less meaning.

If you simply like to brag about Bernie's work... a special THANK YOU! This program is designed for my art collectors and braggarts who want to make $$$ by referring my available paintings to their friends, family, and acquaintances as potential patrons… does this sound like something you would be interested in?… Read more….


"Poulnabrone Dolmen" by Bernie Rosage Jr.

"Poulnabrone Dolmen"... The Burren, County Clare
24x30" oil on stretched canvas
Enchanting Ireland Series
$810 framed ~ $25 shipping and handling
click on image to enlarge...

The Burren, a great rocky expanse in County Clare, is one of the world's truly unique places in that it can supports Arctic, Mediterranean and Alpine plants side-by-side. Its ancient, awe inspiring stone structures hold secrets from the past that may never be unraveled. Poulnabrone Portal Dolmen is an ancient stone tomb dating between 2000 - 2500 B.C. It's just one of the many ancient historic monuments dotted throughout Ireland.

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