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"Waiting for the Hen Party" by Bernie Rosage Jr.

"Waiting for the Hen Party"
30x20" oil on stretched canvas
Enchanting Ireland Series
$750 framed ~ $25 shipping and handling

click on image to enlarge...

This scene is set beneath the Irish flag at the Eamonn Doran's Pub in Dublin, Ireland. I saw this young woman outside in the rain and immediately thought of the title for this painting... "Waiting for the Hen Party". The Irish Hen Party (equivalent to our Bachelorette party) seemed to be the order of the day... or night I should say. Tami and I witnessed several groups of young ladies dressed in "Hen Party Garb" partying throughout the pubs of Dublin. What amazed me most was how those young women managed to walk on the cobbled stone streets in high heels... especially after a pint or two… or three!

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