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If you simply like to brag about Bernie's work... a special THANK YOU! This program is designed for my art collectors and braggarts who want to make $$$ by referring my available paintings to their friends, family, and acquaintances as potential patrons… does this sound like something you would be interested in?… Read more….


"Thatched Roof Cottage #3" by Bernie Rosage Jr.

"Thatched Roof Cottage #3"
County Clare
8x8x1.75" oil on panel
$240 ~ $15 shipping and handling
Enchanting Ireland Series
click on image to enlarge...

It is not unusual to see various cottages painted in bright cheery colors with flowers galore. It’s the Irish way to brighten up those gloomy rainy days that are so prevalent there. Although it doesn’t rain much as one might think in Ireland (an average of 40 inches annually in the east and 50 inches in the west… we average 50-60 inches in NC) it does rain often. The average number of wet days (days with more than 1mm of rain) ranges from about 150 days a year along the east and south-east coasts, to about 225 days a year in parts of the west.

Side note: The average temperature is around 70 degrees in the summer and 40 degrees in the winter.

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