If you are an art collector... Thank you! What would the art world be like without you? Our museums and galleries would be empty, artists would lose a platform to grow from, and all our lives would have less meaning.

If you simply like to brag about Bernie's work... a special THANK YOU! This program is designed for my art collectors and braggarts who want to make $$$ by referring my available paintings to their friends, family, and acquaintances as potential patrons… does this sound like something you would be interested in?… Read more….


"A Stroll in the Rain" by Bernie Rosage Jr.

"A Stroll in the Rain"... Dublin
8x10x1.5" oil on gallery wrapped canvas
Enchanting Ireland Series
$270 ~ $15 shipping and handling
click on image to enlarge...

A trip to Ireland without rain would be like going to Disney World and never seeing Mickey Mouse. Some people dread rainy days but I have to be honest by saying "I love them"... I enjoy gray rainy days as much as I do bright sunny ones. Give me a day with ominous gray clouds where the sunlight streams through illuminating the landscape making the 40 shades of green POP and I'm in Heaven! Our trip surpassed our expectations and Tami and I got wet on several occasions. The rain didn't slow us up at all and we took to the streets of Dublin, Kilarney, and Galway City like ducks to a pond.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational you are a very talented artist i am currently persuing my dream as an artist and i have always wanted to paint and or draw in Dublin's vast landscape of beautiful god given rain if you have any tips please don't hesitate to email me at auidoslave_16@yahoo.com
