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"St. Patrick's Cathedral, Interior View"... Dublin by Bernie Rosage Jr.

"St. Patrick's Cathedral, Interior View"... Dublin
24x12" oil on panel
Enchanting Ireland Series
$540 framed ~ $25 shipping and handling

click on image to enlarge...

Built in honor of Ireland’s patron saint, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral stands adjacent to the famous well where tradition has it Saint Patrick baptized converts on his visit to Dublin. Saint Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, also known as The National Cathedral and Collegiate Church of Saint Patrick, Dublin founded in 1191, is the largest church in Ireland. The present building dates from 1220. This interior view is from the altar looking toward the entrance.
Side note: Saint Patrick (c. 390 – 460) was a Christian missionary, who first brought the Gospel and Christianity to Ireland and is recognized as the patron saint of Ireland .

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